Thank you for sharing, Kelly! Being okay with discomfort seems to have become a mantra in my life over the last few years. Some days, I am okay with discomfort; on others, I fear I am only okay because life is comfortable! I often wonder if I am just plain selfish. But then I probably as all humans are. Perhaps the only difference is I have struggled alone in the discomfort for so long that I am willing to acknowledge my selfishness. I do believe its something wired in me from my upbringing and living today in a culture very counter-cultural to my upbringing. I love to get my hands dirty when gardening, although I am a terrible gardener! But the feel of cool soil against my fingers makes me smile!

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Thank you for your words! They are encouraging and convicting. :) I so appreciate when people share from their own cultural perspectives. Regarding gardening- I don't think there are "terrible gardeners"! It's a constant learning process, and every year I have plants and produce that fail and that do well! :) We are all learners! Soil just feels SO good. We were meant to be in the dirt, I think!

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Jun 26Liked by Kelly Ottaway

Thanks for sharing Kelly, a practical application to a seasonal circumstance! Oh, and were you aware that the birds we love to watch are the most likely suspects in initially leaving those dreaded thistle seeds? ☺️

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Well, that is good to know about the birds!! I guess feeding the birds is a double-edged sword!

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I'm both a glove wearer and not wearer. I can testify to your lost gloves as I found one under the tomato planter! When our thoughts are on the eternal, all parts of our lives are a lesson, thanks for sharing Kelly! 💖

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Haha yes, I figured you’ve seen some laying around! :) 💜

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Kelly I love to hear your passion for gardening and the gloves analogy. I use the gloves but then find that they inhibit my ability to pick my berries and do the intricate things that only my hand's feel and touch can do. I know someone who will gift you some nice gloves :)

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Yes, exactly! Gloves are hindering. :) They are NOT the gift for me! lol. My sloggers, however, that you and Aunt Peg gave me years ago are still in use almost every time I go out and garden. I love them!

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Once again, a great read! I really like how you put everyday experiences into a lesson of Faith. That is how it goes though, right? I am so grateful for the signs that we are paying attention as we walk this earth in Faith.

Well done Kelly!

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Thank you, Nadia. You're right- that is so often how it goes, and I love that God works like that. We just have to be mindful and pay attention. :) Praying for you today!

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Thank you! Some nerves are settling in. 🙏🏻

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